공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사

다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 Thursday, 10월 17, 2024

목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (우타란찰)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (마드야 프라데시)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (하르야나)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (펀잡)부처님의 설 교의 결론
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link라오족 공화국부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카 인)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (양곤)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link스페인 (까딸로니아)집회 카탈루냐 코스타 다우 라다r
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link콜롬보 증권거래소보름날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link니우에제헌절
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link텔아비브 증권거래소釋혤瑙睾撫宣燾 ( 은행 영업 마감 )
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link브라질 (아마존)기념일 마나우스 (마나우스 만 해당)
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link러시아 (비로비잔)수콧
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link이스라엘수콧
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (서 벵갈)락쉬미와 축제 식
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카친어)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (하르야나)대왕 축하
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (만달레이)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link볼리비아국가 존엄성의 날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (라카)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link스리랑카보름달 일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (친)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link하이티영웅의 축하
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카친어)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (히마찰 프라데시)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카야)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (카르나타카)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카 인)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (마드야 프라데시)쿠마라 푸르니마
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (가까운)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (친)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (만달레이)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카야)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (사가 잉)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (가까운)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (양곤)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (사가 잉)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (샨)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (샨)석가 탄신일 끝
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미얀마 (라카)부처님오신날 마지막날
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (챤디가르)부처님의 설 교의 결론
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link캐나다 (유콘 지방)선거
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (히마찰 프라데시)부처님의 설 교의 결론
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (챤디가르)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (아쌈)카티 비후
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (펀잡)시인의 생일
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link인도 (우타란찰)은행은 열려있다
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목요일 17 10월, 2024link미국 (버진 섬)푸에르토리코 친선협정일
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시인의 생일 - 인도 (우타란찰)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first œloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. Wikipedia

시인의 생일 - 인도 (마드야 프라데시)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first œloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. Wikipedia

시인의 생일 - 인도 (하르야나)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first œloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. Wikipedia

부처님의 설 교의 결론 - 인도 (펀잡)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
문화 : (ca. 400 BC) is celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself. He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first śloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. (Wikipedia)

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 라오족 공화국

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) : Bouk Khao Pansa marks the end of Buddhist Lent and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots. in Vientiane only

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (카 인)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (양곤)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

집회 카탈루냐 코스타 다우 라다r - 스페인 (까딸로니아)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
스포츠 : Lasts 3 days www.rallyracc.com/ 2023 edition confirmed

보름날 - 콜롬보 증권거래소

목요일 17 10월, 2024
금융 기관 :

제헌절 - 니우에

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

釋혤瑙睾撫宣燾 ( 은행 영업 마감 ) - 텔아비브 증권거래소

목요일 17 10월, 2024
금융 기관 :

기념일 마나우스 (마나우스 만 해당) - 브라질 (아마존)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

수콧 - 러시아 (비로비잔)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
유대인 : 유월절과 Shavu'ot에 관해서는, Sukkot는 농업과 역사라는 두 가지 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 이스라엘 자손이 사막의 오두막에서 보낸 40 년을 축하합니다. 이것은 그 기간 동안 오두막에 거주하는 전통을 설명합니다.

수콧 - 이스라엘

목요일 17 10월, 2024
유대인 : 유월절과 Shavu'ot에 관해서는, Sukkot는 농업과 역사라는 두 가지 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 이스라엘 자손이 사막의 오두막에서 보낸 40 년을 축하합니다. 이것은 그 기간 동안 오두막에 거주하는 전통을 설명합니다.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

락쉬미와 축제 식 - 인도 (서 벵갈)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (카친어)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

대왕 축하 - 인도 (하르야나)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
문화 : A legendary Indian king (Maharaja) of Agroha, a city of traders. The Agrawal and Rajvanshi communities claim descent from him. He is credited with the establishment of a kingdom of traders in North India named Agroha, and is known for his compassion in refusing to slaughter animals in yajnas.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (만달레이)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

국가 존엄성의 날 - 볼리비아

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : 2013 년 학살의 희생자들에 대한 찬사 2021년부터

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (라카)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

보름달 일 - 스리랑카

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) : Celebrates the obtaining of Vivarana (the assurance of becoming a Buddha) by the Bodhisatta Maitriya and the commissioning of 60 disciples by The Buddha to disperse his teachings. http://www.mysrilanka.com/travel/lanka/festivals/POSON.HTM

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (친)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

영웅의 축하 - 하이티

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : 1758-1806, emperor of Haiti (1804-6), born a slave. A clever general, he served under Toussaint L'Ouverture in the wars that liberated Haiti. His barbaric cruelty against the mulattoes whom Toussaint was unable to control led to a bitter struggle with mulatto leaders.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (카친어)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

시인의 생일 - 인도 (히마찰 프라데시)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first œloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. Wikipedia

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (카야)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

시인의 생일 - 인도 (카르나타카)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first œloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. Wikipedia

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (카 인)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

쿠마라 푸르니마 - 인도 (마드야 프라데시)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : 아슈빈(9월~10월)의 힌두교 달의 보름달날을 기념하는 수확 축제가 몬순 시즌이 끝났습니다. 오디샤에서, 오늘날 미혼 여성들은 적절한 신랑(쿠마라)을 얻는 것에 대한 대중의 믿음을 굳게 유지합니다. 이 축제는 코코넛, 바나나, 오이, 베텔 너트, 사탕수수, 구아바 와 같은 7가지 과일이 담긴 튀긴 논으로 채워진 코코넛 잎 으로 만든 그릇인 '쿨라'로 일출에 태양의 신을 환영하는 처녀들로 시작됩니다. 저녁에그들은 '털시' 식물 앞에서 달의 신을 제공하기 위해 과일, 커드, 재거와 함께 아침의 튀긴 논이 들어있는 요리를 준비하여 금식을 끊습니다. 이 처녀후 게임을하고 보름달의 빛 아래 노래를 노래. [Wikipedia]

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (가까운)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (친)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (만달레이)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (카야)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (사가 잉)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (가까운)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (양곤)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (사가 잉)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (샨)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (샨)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (라카)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

부처님의 설 교의 결론 - 인도 (챤디가르)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
문화 : (ca. 400 BC) is celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself. He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first śloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. (Wikipedia)

선거 - 캐나다 (유콘 지방)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

부처님의 설 교의 결론 - 인도 (히마찰 프라데시)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
문화 : (ca. 400 BC) is celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself. He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first śloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. (Wikipedia)

시인의 생일 - 인도 (챤디가르)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first śloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. [Wikipedia]

카티 비후 - 인도 (아쌈)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Celebrated during the time of relocation of the rice sapling during the month of October. The granaries of the farmers usually remain empty during this time, hence it is known as Kongali (poor) Bihu

시인의 생일 - 인도 (펀잡)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
힌두교 : Celebrated as the poet harbinger in Sanskrit literature. He is the author of the epic Ramayana, based on the attribution in the text of the epic itself.[2] He is revered as the Adi Kavi, which means First Poet, for he discovered the first śloka i.e. first verse, which set the base and defined the form to Sanskrit poetry. The Yoga Vasistha is attributed to him. A religious movement called Valmikism is based on Valmiki's teachings as presented in the Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. [Wikipedia]

은행은 열려있다 - 인도 (우타란찰)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

푸에르토리코 친선협정일 - 미국 (버진 섬)

목요일 17 10월, 2024
문화 :