공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사

다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 Wednesday, 5월 15, 2024

수요일 15 5월, 2024link인도 (자하르한트)벵골어 새해
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link인도 (아쌈)벵골어 새해
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link마카오부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link스페인 (마드리드)생 트로 페
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link타이완부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link인도 (자하르한트)은행은 열려있다
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link부르키나 파소관세 및 전통의 날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link베트남부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link팔레스타인 자치정부추도일
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link파라과이어머니의 날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link대한민국교사의 날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link라트비아가족의 날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link필리핀지역 공휴일
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link캐나다 (퀘벡)시알 토론토
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link브라질 (아마 파)Cabralzinho Day
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link아제르바이잔ÍÔ¹àµÍÃì / ÍÔ¹àµÍÃìà·¤ / Êèǹ¼ÊÁ
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link홍콩부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link홍콩 증권거래소부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link한국증권거래소부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link아시온 증권거래소어머니의 날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link한국증권거래소(옵션)부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link대한민국부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link코스닥 부처님오신날
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link인도 (아쌈)은행은 열려있다r
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수요일 15 5월, 2024link스페인 (까스띠야 라 만차)현지 공휴일 (알바세테 만 해당)
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벵골어 새해 - 인도 (자하르한트)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Under the Mughals, agricultural taxes were collected according to the Hijri calendar. However, as the Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar, it does not coincide with the harvest. As a result, farmers were hard-pressed to pay taxes out of season. In order to streamline tax collection, the Mughal Emperor Akbar ordered a reform of the calendar. Accordingly, Fatehullah Shirazi, a renowned scholar and astronomer, formulated the Bangla year on the basis of the lunar Hijri and Bangla solar calendars. The new year subsequently became known as Bôngabdo or Bengali year

벵골어 새해 - 인도 (아쌈)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Under the Mughals, agricultural taxes were collected according to the Hijri calendar. However, as the Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar, it does not coincide with the harvest. As a result, farmers were hard-pressed to pay taxes out of season. In order to streamline tax collection, the Mughal Emperor Akbar ordered a reform of the calendar. Accordingly, Fatehullah Shirazi, a renowned scholar and astronomer, formulated the Bangla year on the basis of the lunar Hijri and Bangla solar calendars. The new year subsequently became known as Bôngabdo or Bengali year

부처님오신날 - 마카오

수요일 15 5월, 2024
불교 (다이아몬드 차량) :

생 트로 페 - 스페인 (마드리드)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
카톨릭 : Isidore (c.560-636) the Husbandman (or Farmer) is the patron saint of farmers, and Madrid. When a young boy, he became discouraged with his studies and ran away from school, but he came across a steadily dripping stream of water that had worn a deep hallow in a rock, and this He succeeded his brother as the bishop of Seville, but is better known for his writings. inspired him to return to his studies. His brothers Leander, Fulgentius, and Florentian are also saints. Observed in Spain as Feast of Saint Isadore. Also celebrated in Mexican towns whose patron saint is San Isidro. (shagtown.com)

부처님오신날 - 타이완

수요일 15 5월, 2024
문화 : Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was born on April 8th, 623 B.C.E. in ancient northern India (now in Nepal) as Prince Siddhartha. It is a holiday observed by Buddhists throughout the world, though the exact date may differ from country to country.

은행은 열려있다 - 인도 (자하르한트)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

관세 및 전통의 날 - 부르키나 파소

수요일 15 5월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : 2024년부터

부처님오신날 - 베트남

수요일 15 5월, 2024
엽서꽃 :

추도일 - 팔레스타인 자치정부

수요일 15 5월, 2024
문화 : Annual Remembering the Nakba. In Arabic, the word “Nakba” means catastrophe. This term is used to refer to the Israeli occupation and the displacement of the Palestinian people. Between the years of 1947 and 1948, over 750,000 Palestinians were forced to move from their homes and 531 villages were destroyed.

어머니의 날 - 파라과이

수요일 15 5월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

교사의 날 - 대한민국

수요일 15 5월, 2024
문화 :

가족의 날 - 라트비아

수요일 15 5월, 2024
문화 : From 2008 onwards

지역 공휴일 - 필리핀

수요일 15 5월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Kaamulan Festival - in honor of San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of Bukidnon in Bukidnon only - on Midanao island

시알 토론토 - 캐나다 (퀘벡)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
무역 박람회 : 3 일간 지속됩니다 - /www.sialcanada.com/ 2024 edition confirmed

Cabralzinho Day - 브라질 (아마 파)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Carlos Roberto Ferreira Cabral (born 2 January 1945) is a Brazilian football manager nicknamed Cabralzinho

ÍÔ¹àµÍÃì / ÍÔ¹àµÍÃìà·¤ / Êèǹ¼ÊÁ - 아제르바이잔

수요일 15 5월, 2024
무역 박람회 : Www.worldfood.az/ lasts 3 days - in Baku 2024 edition confirmed

부처님오신날 - 홍콩

수요일 15 5월, 2024
불교 (다이아몬드 차량) : 석가모니 부처 왕자( 싯다르타의 설립자)가 태어난 불교 4월 8일에, BC 623 고대 인도 북부지역(지금은 네팔에). 휴가가 관찰 세계 곳곳에서 불교 신자들이 서로 다른 날짜에 있습니다.

부처님오신날 - 홍콩 증권거래소

수요일 15 5월, 2024
금융 기관 :

부처님오신날 - 한국증권거래소

수요일 15 5월, 2024
금융 기관 :

어머니의 날 - 아시온 증권거래소

수요일 15 5월, 2024
금융 기관 :

부처님오신날 - 한국증권거래소(옵션)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
금융 기관 :

부처님오신날 - 대한민국

수요일 15 5월, 2024
불교 (다이아몬드 차량) : Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was born on April 8th, 623 B.C.E. in ancient northern India (now in Nepal) as Prince Siddhartha. It is a holiday observed by Buddhists throughout the world, though the exact date may differ from country to country.

부처님오신날 - 코스닥

수요일 15 5월, 2024
금융 기관 :

은행은 열려있다r - 인도 (아쌈)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

현지 공휴일 (알바세테 만 해당) - 스페인 (까스띠야 라 만차)

수요일 15 5월, 2024
문화 : Isidore (c.560-636) the Husbandman (or Farmer) is the patron saint of farmers, and Madrid. When a young boy, he became discouraged with his studies and ran away from school, but he came across a steadily dripping stream of water that had worn a deep hallow in a rock, and this inspired him to return to his studies. He succeeded his brother as the bishop of Seville, but is better known for his writings. His brothers Leander, Fulgentius, and Florentian are also saints. Observed in Spain as Feast of Saint Isadore. Also celebrated in Mexican towns whose patron saint is San Isidro. (shagtown.com)