크리스마스 휴일 (시작일)
금요일 20 12월, 2024
학교 방학 :
수요일 25 12월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 :
새해 연휴
수요일 1 1월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
겨울 방학 (종료일)
월요일 6 1월, 2025
학교 방학 : Https://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/
in Cleveland only
The Ohio State University - Columbus ranking: Shanghai (2023): #101-150
2022 PISA ranking: #18 with a 489 score
We carry confirmed dates till Aug 2025
마틴 루터 킹 주니어 데이
월요일 20 1월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : Martin Luther King was a U.S civil rights leader and American clergyman. His non-violent demonstrations against racial inequality led to civil rights legislation. He was assassinated in 1968.
대통령의 날
월요일 17 2월, 2025
학교 방학 :
대통령의 날
월요일 17 2월, 2025
은행은 닫힌다 : Banks, post office and governement close, but businesses, more and more, remain open, as well as universities. These banks remain open: Chase Bank, TD Bank, Wells Fargo
Arnold's Sports Festival
금요일 28 2월, 2025
스포츠 : Lasts 3 days- in Columbus - www.arnoldsportsfestival.com worlds largest multi-sport fitness 2025 edition condirmed
봄 방학 (시작일)
금요일 14 3월, 2025
학교 방학 :
클리블랜드 국제 영화제r
수요일 26 3월, 2025
문화 : Lasts 10 days - www.clevelandfilm.org 2025 edition confirmed