공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사
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다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 ȭ����, 6월 11, 2024

화요일 11 6월, 2024link미국 (하와이)킹 카메하메하 데이
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화요일 11 6월, 2024link이스라엘오순절의 이브
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화요일 11 6월, 2024link이스라엘은행을 12
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화요일 11 6월, 2024link말라위추도일
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화요일 11 6월, 2024link텔아비브 증권거래소칠칠절
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화요일 11 6월, 2024linkMTS Israel칠칠절
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수요일 11 6월, 2025link스페인 (라 리오하)지역 공휴일
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수요일 11 6월, 2025link스페인 (안달루시아)지역 공휴일
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킹 카메하메하 데이 - 미국 (하와이)

화요일 11 6월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : 하와이 (몰로카이, 니 하우 섬, 카우아이, 오아후, 마우이, 라나이, 하와이를 통일 왕을 맞는다.

오순절의 이브 - 이스라엘

화요일 11 6월, 2024
문화 :

은행을 12 - 이스라엘

화요일 11 6월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

추도일 - 말라위

화요일 11 6월, 2024
특별 이벤트 : In tribute to the late vice-President

칠칠절 - 텔아비브 증권거래소

화요일 11 6월, 2024
금융 기관 :

칠칠절 - MTS Israel

화요일 11 6월, 2024
금융 기관 :

지역 공휴일 - 스페인 (라 리오하)

수요일 11 6월, 2025
카톨릭 : St Bernabas went to live with the Christians in Jerusalem after selling his estate and giving the money to the apostles. When Paul came to Jerusalem after his unexpected conversion, it was Barnabas who convinced the apostles to trust their old enemy. He and Paul then did missionary work together. At Iconium, the capital of Lycaonia, they narrowly escaped stoning at the hands of the mob whom the rulers had stirred up against them. A miraculous cure wrought by St Paul upon a cripple at Lystra led the pagan inhabitants to conclude that the gods were come amongst them. They hailed St Paul as Hermes or Mercury because he was the chief speaker, and St Barnabas as Zeus or Jupiter and were with difficulty restrained from offering sacrifices to them. But, with the proverbial fickleness of the mob, they soon rushed to the other extreme and stoned St Paul, severely wounding him (shagtown.com) Logroño only They hailed St Paul as Hermes or Mercury because he was the chief speaker, and St Barnabas as Zeus or Jupiter and were with difficulty restrained from offering sacrifices to them. But, with the proverbial fickleness of the mob, they soon rushed to the other extreme and stoned St Paul, severely wounding him (shagtown.com)

지역 공휴일 - 스페인 (안달루시아)

수요일 11 6월, 2025
카톨릭 : Virgin of Capilla Jaén only