공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사
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남오세티아 : 다음 3개월 동안 공휴일, 은행, 증권 거래소, 방학, 무역 박람회, 문화, 스포츠 행사, 축제, 카니발, 선거 마감 전체 일정

  • 통화: Ruble (RUR)
  • 2008 년 이후 사실상 독립적인 공화국
  • 주말: 토요일 & 일요일
  • 조지아어 (4 백만 명의 연사), 러시아어 (1 억 6 천 5 백만 명의 스피커) ...
    편집팀에 문의!
  • 날짜이름종류
    수요일 1 5월, 2024노동절세속적 인 휴일
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    금요일 3 5월, 2024성 금요일 (동방 정교회)정교회
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    토요일 4 5월, 2024은행 닫기 오후 2은행은 닫힌다
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    일요일 5 5월, 2024정교회 부활절정교회
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    월요일 6 5월, 2024정교회 부활절 월요일정교회
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    목요일 9 5월, 2024승전기념일세속적 인 휴일
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    금요일 10 5월, 2024승전기념일세속적 인 휴일
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    일요일 12 5월, 2024세인트 앤드류의 날세속적 인 휴일
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    일요일 26 5월, 2024독립기념일국경일
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    토요일 22 6월, 2024Day of Remembrance and Mourning특별 이벤트
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    수요일 28 8월, 2024버진의 성모 승천 대축일 (Mariamoba)세속적 인 휴일
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    수요일 1 5월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : 시카고, 토요일 1886년 5월 1일 : 350,000 노동자들이 파업에있습니다. 그들은 하루에 8 - 1 시간 일하고 싶어요. 모든 산업 분야의 전국이 마비됩니다. 월요일에 경찰이 발포했다. 23 일, 시카고 다시 파업에있다. 이어 폭탄들을 상대로, 경찰이 발포했다. 12, 죽은 경찰은 7. 8 아나키스트 사형 선고가 될 것이다. 1889 년, 국제 사회주의 운동이 프랑스 파리에서 만난이 날 국제 노동자의 날 선포 . 소련은 나치는 단지 같은 결정을했다. 프랑스에서는, 비시 정권 (1940에서 1944 사이) 아래에서, 축하 로 변경되었습니다 주 노동당의 .

    성 금요일 (동방 정교회)

    금요일 3 5월, 2024
    정교회 : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter (or Pascha) The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy. The Easter bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place: Midnight Office... After the service the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people and they take them home. The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days. One egg is cracked on the wall of the church (and this is the first egg eaten The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. Each person selects his/her egg. Then people take turns tapping their egg against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of May only be observed by the local Orthodox community. The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. Each person selects his/her egg. Then people take turns tapping their egg against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of

    은행 닫기 오후 2

    토요일 4 5월, 2024
    은행은 닫힌다 :

    정교회 부활절

    일요일 5 5월, 2024
    정교회 : Only observed by the Orthodox community Paid holiday

    정교회 부활절 월요일

    월요일 6 5월, 2024
    정교회 : The bright red colored egg is the symbol of Easter(or Pascha).The eggs are colored on Holy Thursday after the Divine Liturgy.The Easter breads are a worldwide Orthodox tradition as well.This bread is taken to church on Saturday evening when a special sequence of services takes place:Midnight Office,Rush Procession,Matins & Divine Liturgy.After the service,the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people and they take them home.The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days.One egg takes place before the Easter lunch.Each person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of good luck.The traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting is: Christ is Risen! .The answer is: Indeed He is Risen . May only be observed by the local Orthodox community. next days.One egg takes place before the Easter lunch.Each person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of good luck.The traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting is:\"Christ is Risen!\".The answer is:\"Indeed He is Risen\".


    목요일 9 5월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a "patriotic war". In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn't easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.


    금요일 10 5월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : The fighting of WWII tn Europe ended on May 2nd, 1945. The surrender of German troops was signed on May 4th and 5th but officially the war ended at midnight on May 8th 1945. To remember this important event, the Russians created a national holiday called Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9th in Russia. Russia mainly fought a war to defend itself, which is called a "patriotic war". In Russia almost all the families have at least one person who took part in the war. The other old citizens who did not fight during the war had to work in factories to make guns and preparations, which wasn't easier than fighting. They too are honored on Victory Day. The main reason for the celebration of Victory Day was to remember the people who died in the war. On that day, flowers are laid on their graves and veterans that are still alive go out on the streets wearing their medals and orders. There are few of them left now days and the number is getting smaller every year.
    work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

    세인트 앤드류의 날

    일요일 12 5월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : Saint Andrew , called in the Orthodox tradition Protocletos, or the First-called, is a Christian Apostle, brother of Saint Peter. According to Christian tradition, Andrew was born at Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee. He is considered in Georgia to be founder of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday Wikipedia


    일요일 26 5월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : On May 26, 1918 the National Council of Georgia declared independence and the creation of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The statehood of Georgia was restored after 117 years of being a province of the Tsarist Russian Empire. the Soviet army, under Bolshevik ideology, liberated the Menshevik Georgia. Today, Georgia considers this declaration as Georgia's independency tradition. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

    Day of Remembrance and Mourning

    토요일 22 6월, 2024
    문화 : Anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in 1942

    버진의 성모 승천 대축일 (Mariamoba)

    수요일 28 8월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 :