공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사
남 아프리카 (나탈), 남 아프리카 (노던 케이프), 남 아프리카 (북 서), 오늘은 국경일입니다. 의미 있는 시간을 보내시기 바랍니다.

다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 Friday, 3월 8, 2024

금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (볼가 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link이탈리아총파업
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (트리푸라)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link크리미아여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link봄베이 증권거래소시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link스위스 (제네바)영화제 및 국제인권포럼
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (라자스탄)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (차티슈가르)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (챤디가르)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (마하라슈트라)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (잠무 & 카쉬미르)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link투르크메니스탄여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (안드라 프라데시)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link우간다 증권 거래소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link팔레스타인 증권 거래소 여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (오리싸)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도건조한 날 (술 없음)
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link브라질 (아크레)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (트리푸라)은행은 열려있다
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link라오스 증권거래소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link아일랜드국민 투표
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금요일 8 3월, 2024linkEurex여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link앙골라여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link이스라엘예루살렘 마라톤r
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (히마찰 프라데시)힌두교 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link시리아 아랍 공화국혁명기념일
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (텔랑 가나 주)힌두교 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link루사카 증권거래소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 무역 시스템 여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link카이로 증권 거래소시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link아르메니아 증권 거래소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link아르메니여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link서부 사하라여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link우크라이나 증권 거래소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link모리셔스 증권 거래소마하시봐라토리
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link라오족 공화국여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link우크라이나여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link모리시우스시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (구자라트)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link부르키나 파소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (서 벵갈)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link타지키스탄여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (북부 오세티아)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link키르기즈스탄여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link캄보디아여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link시에라 레온여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link챠드여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link나우루여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (타타르스탄)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link캄보디아 증권거래소세계 여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (체체니아)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (케랄라)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (다게스탄)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link트란스드니에스트리아 공화국여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (레닌그라드스카야 오블라스트)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (하르야나)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (비로비잔)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link스위스 (프라이부르크)프리 부르 국제 영화제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (모스크바 주)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (우타란찰)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (이르쿠츠크 야주)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link카자흐스탄 증권거래소여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link압하스 여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link잠비아여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link남오세티아여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (카르나타카)힌두 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (칼리 닌그라드)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link아제르바이잔여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 (극동 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (펀잡)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (시베리아 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (자하르한트)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (우랄 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 국립 증권 거래소 시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (노스 웨스트 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link카자흐스탄여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (중앙 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도 (우타르 프라데시)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (남부 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link인도(라다크)시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link러시아 연방 (북 카프카스 연방 지구)여성의 날
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link미국 (하와이)호놀룰루 페스티벌r
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link스리랑카시바 축제
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금요일 8 3월, 2024link콜롬보 증권거래소마하시봐라토리
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link독일 (메클렌부르크 - 포어포머른)여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link몰도바 증권거래소여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link인도 (텔랑 가나 주)여성의 날 - 여자는 반나절 일한다
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link키르기스스탄 증권거래소여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link독일 (베를린)여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link세이셸여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link팔레스타인 자치정부여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link우즈베키스탄 증권거래소여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link몰도바 공화국여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link몽골 증권거래소여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link그루지야 증권 거래소여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link북한 인민 공화국여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link네팔여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link필리핀여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link북한 인민 공화국여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link코소보어머니의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link벨라루스 통화 및 증권 거래소Women's Day
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link불가리아어머니의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link헝가리여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link알바니아어머니의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link아프가니스탄 (이슬람 에미리트)어머니의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link몽골리아여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link보스니아헤르제고비나어머니의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link보스니아헤르제고비나관리 사무소는 폐쇄
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link바쿠 증권거래소여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link중국 (티베트)여성의 날 - 여자는 반나절 일한다
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link기니비사우여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link카메룬여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link마다가스카르여성의 날 (여자)
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link벨라루스여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link중국여성의 날 - 여자는 반나절 일한다
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link죠지아여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link우즈베키스탄여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link에리트리아여성의 날
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토요일 8 3월, 2025link우간다여성의 날
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여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (볼가 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

총파업 - 이탈리아

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

시바 축제 - 인도 (트리푸라)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 크리미아

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 봄베이 증권거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

영화제 및 국제인권포럼 - 스위스 (제네바)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
문화 : Www.fifdh.org 2024 edition confirmed

시바 축제 - 인도 (라자스탄)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

시바 축제 - 인도 (차티슈가르)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

시바 축제 - 인도 (챤디가르)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

시바 축제 - 인도 (마하라슈트라)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

시바 축제 - 인도 (잠무 & 카쉬미르)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 투르크메니스탄

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Was discontinued in 2001 and reestablished in 2008

시바 축제 - 인도 (안드라 프라데시)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 우간다 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 팔레스타인 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

시바 축제 - 인도 (오리싸)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

건조한 날 (술 없음) - 인도

금요일 8 3월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

여성의 날 - 브라질 (아크레)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

은행은 열려있다 - 인도 (트리푸라)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

여성의 날 - 라오스 증권거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

국민 투표 - 아일랜드

금요일 8 3월, 2024
특별 이벤트 : On revising the definition of family

여성의 날 - Eurex

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 : Eurex is closed for trading and exercise in MSCI Russia Index derivatives

여성의 날 - 앙골라

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later.

예루살렘 마라톤r - 이스라엘

금요일 8 3월, 2024
스포츠 : Www.jerusalem-marathon.com/ 2024 edition confirmed

힌두교 축제 - 인도 (히마찰 프라데시)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

혁명기념일 - 시리아 아랍 공화국

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Anniversary of the National Council of Revolution's assumption of power in 1963

힌두교 축제 - 인도 (텔랑 가나 주)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : Maha Shivaratri: A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 루사카 증권거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 무역 시스템

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

시바 축제 - 카이로 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 : 2020 calendar confirmed

여성의 날 - 아르메니아 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 아르메니

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later. Wikipedia

여성의 날 - 서부 사하라

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later. Wikipedia

여성의 날 - 우크라이나 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

마하시봐라토리 - 모리셔스 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 라오족 공화국

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 우크라이나

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

시바 축제 - 모리시우스

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

시바 축제 - 인도 (구자라트)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 부르키나 파소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later.

시바 축제 - 인도 (서 벵갈)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 타지키스탄

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 러시아 (북부 오세티아)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 키르기즈스탄

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 러시아

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 캄보디아

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 시에라 레온

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later.

여성의 날 - 챠드

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 나우루

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City.

여성의 날 - 러시아 (타타르스탄)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

세계 여성의 날 - 캄보디아 증권거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 (체체니아)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 (케랄라)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 (다게스탄)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 트란스드니에스트리아 공화국

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 (레닌그라드스카야 오블라스트)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 (하르야나)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 (비로비잔)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

프리 부르 국제 영화제 - 스위스 (프라이부르크)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
문화 : Www.fiff.ch/ lasts 9 days - 2022 season confirmed

여성의 날 - 러시아 (모스크바 주)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 (우타란찰)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 (이르쿠츠크 야주)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 카자흐스탄 증권거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 압하스

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 잠비아

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City.

여성의 날 - 남오세티아

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

힌두 축제 - 인도 (카르나타카)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 (칼리 닌그라드)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 아제르바이잔

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 (극동 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 (펀잡)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (시베리아 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 (자하르한트)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (우랄 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 국립 증권 거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (노스 웨스트 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

여성의 날 - 카자흐스탄

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (중앙 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도 (우타르 프라데시)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (남부 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

시바 축제 - 인도(라다크)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

여성의 날 - 러시아 연방 (북 카프카스 연방 지구)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

호놀룰루 페스티벌r - 미국 (하와이)

금요일 8 3월, 2024
문화 : Lasts 3 days - https://www.honolulufestival.com/ 2024 edition confirmed

시바 축제 - 스리랑카

금요일 8 3월, 2024
힌두교 : A Hindu festival in honor of Lord Shiva and his marriage to Goddess Parvati. Ceremonies involving prayers and hymns take place mostly at night.

마하시봐라토리 - 콜롬보 증권거래소

금요일 8 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 독일 (메클렌부르크 - 포어포머른)

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : International Women’s Day first took place in 1911 on the initiative of the German Social Democrat Clara Zetkin and has been held annually on March 8th since 1921 in many countries from 2019

여성의 날 - 몰도바 증권거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 여자는 반나절 일한다 - 인도 (텔랑 가나 주)

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 키르기스스탄 증권거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 독일 (베를린)

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : International Women’s Day first took place in 1911 on the initiative of the German Social Democrat Clara Zetkin and has been held annually on March 8th since 1921 in many countries from 2019

여성의 날 - 세이셸

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

여성의 날 - 팔레스타인 자치정부

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 : except in the Gaza Strip

여성의 날 - 우즈베키스탄 증권거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 몰도바 공화국

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : Idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later.

여성의 날 - 몽골 증권거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 그루지야 증권 거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 북한 인민 공화국

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 네팔

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : Nari Dibas

여성의 날 - 필리핀

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Nőnap

여성의 날 - 북한 인민 공화국

토요일 8 3월, 2025
문화 :

어머니의 날 - 코소보

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

Women's Day - 벨라루스 통화 및 증권 거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

어머니의 날 - 불가리아

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

여성의 날 - 헝가리

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Nőnap

어머니의 날 - 알바니아

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

어머니의 날 - 아프가니스탄 (이슬람 에미리트)

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

여성의 날 - 몽골리아

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

어머니의 날 - 보스니아헤르제고비나

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

관리 사무소는 폐쇄 - 보스니아헤르제고비나

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : Only concerns female employees

여성의 날 - 바쿠 증권거래소

토요일 8 3월, 2025
금융 기관 :

여성의 날 - 여자는 반나절 일한다 - 중국 (티베트)

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

여성의 날 - 기니비사우

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. The garment workers were protesting what they saw as very poor working conditions and low wages. The protesters were attacked and dispersed by police. These women established their first labor union two years later.

여성의 날 - 카메룬

토요일 8 3월, 2025
문화 : Considered a bank holiday by most women and schools in Cameroon.

여성의 날 (여자) - 마다가스카르

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 벨라루스

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 여자는 반나절 일한다 - 중국

토요일 8 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

여성의 날 - 죠지아

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 우즈베키스탄

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 에리트리아

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :

여성의 날 - 우간다

토요일 8 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 :